uniform interface

英 [ˈjuːnɪfɔːm ˈɪntəfeɪs] 美 [ˈjuːnɪfɔːrm ˈɪntərfeɪs]

网络  统一接口; 统一的接口; 接口一致



  1. The consumer sees a single uniform interface.
  2. This is a textbook example of polymorphism& many types accessed through one uniform interface.
  3. With data federation, the consumer will see a single uniform interface.
  4. The uniform interface simplifies the overall system architecture and improves the visibility of the interactions between subsystems.
  5. This component encapsulates the Java XML Binding mechanism and provides a uniform interface to convert Java business objects to XML and vice-versa.
  6. Clients and server adhere to a uniform interface.
  7. All resources implement the same uniform interface.
  8. All resources share a uniform interface for the transfer of state between client and server.
  9. To sum up, for a RESTful application, the contract contains three different pieces: the uniform interface, media types of representations, and contextual links to resources.
  10. Mhash is a free ( under GNU Lesser GPL) library which provides a uniform interface to a large number of hash algorithms.
  11. Every resource can be obtained and manipulated through the HTTP uniform interface, and the system allows for simple layering and caching through the traditional methods that are used by the WWW.
  12. If we leave aside the uniform interface and the dynamic aspects of the contract, we can describe the rest of the contract in a machine-readable manner.
  13. Note that, although this implementation uses resources, URIs, representations, and HTTP's uniform interface, it is not RESTful.
  14. XQJ is a generic XQuery data access framework, which provides a uniform interface on top of a variety of different XQuery implementations.
  15. Data integration is to shield the heterogeneity, to provide a uniform interface to a multitude of data sources.
  16. Shortly after praising "the simplicity and uniform interface that is GData" Dare Obasanjo states that "GData/ APP Fails as a General Purpose Editing Protocol for the Web".
  17. JMS ( Java Message Service) defined the standard and uniform interface of message oriented middleware ( MOM) for Java and has overcome the drawbacks of synchronous communication and compact coupling of RPC ( remote procedure call) middleware.
  18. HCI is the interface between software and hardware of Bluetooth module and host. It offers a uniform interface to control the Baseband Link Controller, Link Manager and state register.
  19. The software provides uniform interface for different format data and adopts key technology such as ActiveX to get data from server, Matlab engine to calculate expression of signals and OpenGL to realize three-dimensional showing from array signals.
  20. This system provides a uniform interface to a multitude of information sources including various database systems and HTML/ XML documents.
  21. Design and implement an infrastructure platform of SIP-based multiparty real-time communication system named TAURUS. It provides transparent and uniform interface for the SIP-based application, and shields the detail of signaling and media transaction.
  22. In controlling layer, uniform interface is designed to implement the local data accessing and remote data accessing.
  23. Strategy realizing uniform interface of multiform accessing behavior.
  24. Agents at data-resource-end implement the access of data resources, providing a uniform interface for client;
  25. By the inheritance and the polymorphism, the code base can bring forward the uniform interface.
  26. Problem Solving Environment is the Current research focus in computer applications technology; it provides multiple technology and methods to solve certain kinds of problems with uniform interface.
  27. It is very significative to research the information integrated system and provide a uniform interface for the users.
  28. As the middleware between the grid service and application, the grid transaction processing system provide a uniform interface for the grid transaction, including the atomic transaction, the long transaction, the real-time transaction, the serial long transaction and so on.
  29. By using pop development tool and universal module of data access, it achieved a uniform interface of data access.
  30. The middleware hided the detail of the underlying DBMS and provided a sort of uniform interface to upper layer.